15 Tips for Posting On Backpage

I'm not by any means an expert, but you may find my own methods of interest.

I post over 100 ads a day, by hand, they don't get ghosted, and I don't use a proxy or change my IP address. (I have a static IP from my provider, if you know how to change this at will without calling them I would love to know)

1. The key is time (for me) is time. I post 20-30 ads at a time, wait an hour or so, then post again.

2. I use many different email addresses. I am promoting two things, an affiliate program and my website. I have 50 emails. Each address posts two ads, then I log out, and log back in. (Bonus : GMX.com will let you have 10 emails that all forward to one. So I only log into 5 accounts and can see all my posts.) Visit The Land of Emails to learn more.

3. I use white text. I place an html command to make any text after it white (or the color snow). I personally hide “Ad# 9393” and so on. I just hit random keys for my ad number. Don't forget to close the font tag () This causes ghosting because it tries to make the rest of the page white. While I do this, I have about 10-20 different ads I run also.

4. Sometimes sites will notice this. It happens. It doesn't work on Craigslist. Other colors you can use are #FFFFCC, #FFFFDD, #FFFFEE and yellow. Yellow will definately be seen, but it still looks alright because it's an ad number. (this is now explained with an example - here)

5. I registered. This never caused me a problem. I have 50 backpage accounts, I post two ads in each. This eliminates the need to check my email at all, as the ads go up quickly without confirmation.

6. I have different titles. Don't use the same title and just add @,$,%,^ and so on. It will get caught sooner or later. Be creative!!

7. Use a picture. This is as easy as taking a snapshot of a couple words. Backpage can't SEE pictures for what they are―so if you post the same one multiple times, under different names, how do they know? Upload one picture 10-20 times to photobucket, they will call it picture1, picture2, and so on. There you go. Grab some free "click heres" and other buttons.

8. Wait. Recently it takes up to 20 minutes for my ads to show. At first I thought they were ghosted- but they always showed up eventually.

9. Don't appear like a spammer. Please, people, quit posting “Make $10,000 Every 5 Minutes!!” It's unreal and misleading. Be true to your ads, that will bring more sales and less disappointed people.

10. Change your url. I've used short url and tiny url with success. If the server catches your domain to many times it will delete your ads.
11. Pay attention. If they same ads keep getting flagged--use a new one. If you have a good product it shouldn't be hard to write plenty of good things about it.

12. Post in relevant categories only. This lower the chances of flagging highly. For most of you, this mean in the biz opps category. Don't post work at home or affiliate pages under jobs.
13. Know your audience, if you are consistently getting hits from New York and none from Akron, stop posting in Akron. It's a waste of time.

14. Learn some HTML. (head on over to "Basic HTML for Ad Posters") Improve and vary your adds with color and size. Centering ads looks better than off to the side. Smaller ads that don't use the whole width of the screen are easier to read.

15. This is the most important -- Be SMART. Follow the guidelines here, if something doesn't work CHANGE IT. Make your ads different. Trick the sever in to believing that you are not spamming, and then....DON'T spam.
You can Be SMARTER than the backpage bot.


  • very detailed and probably very valuable. but wish you'd make the clarification simpler and easier to follow for us newbies. Overall I like your stuff - you have lots of good advice, but often you're way ahead and leaving us (me) in the dust. Any chance for a follow-up that's simpler?

  • Thanks for your help. I have just endured the frustration of seeing a whole evening's work get coloured red by the Backpage "Community" (which is BS - it happened so fast it was obviously an Admin deal).

    Would really appreciate some clarification, perhaps with liks to examples, for the items #3 & #4 regarding colours?

  • HI there, what do you do if I don't have a static ip and change proxies? How often do i need to change them?
    Is Gmx still around?

  • Charles...I see I tend to run along a bit. Some tips have been further explained and now contain links to those posts. - Cassandra

  • Anonymous,

    There is a now a live sample of white text for everyone to check out. :)

  • Luxcm,

    I actually used Hide My Ip with some success, it doesn't always work right for me. Sometimes I dont change my IP at all throughout the day and the posts make it through.

    GMX is still alive and still offers multiple emails in one account.

    - Cassandra

  • Hi Cassandra,

    Great article. Very helpful for us newbies trying to make a buck! I have 2 questions for you! What sites would you say are more successful to advertise on besides Backpage & Craigslist? And can you provide us any ideas for ways to create different advertisements? Such as tips on how to change it up a bit. Thanks a lot for your advise. We greatly appreciate it.


  • Thanks for the information specially about the proxy one.would be looking forward for more information on your site and well done.

  • how to post on backpage is really good and please do post more advices like this one.

  • sachin pilot said...

    Posting on backpage with your tip has become easy.when i tried it earlier it was difficult for me but with your tips it has become easy.

  • The tips are very useful.I never thought that you can earn money by posting on back page hope you will tell us more interesting methods of earning money.

  • Casey - Charlotte said...

    I am brand new at trying to post affiliate ads and am having no luck at all. I'm posting on backpage.com. Every ad I paste the tracking url in is published in the ad looking different - like this: http:///SH634 - This of course, leads to an "oops" link. What is happening? How can I get my tracking link posted on there?
    Charlotte, NC

  • You need to search how to post html ads,you mean to look like this
    hope this works
    rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="http://vitalviralpro.com/m/111634/">Click Here</

  • this damm page wont allow lots of symbols

  • You can no longer use any of the URL shortners on Backpage...they don't allow it...just go out and buy a cheap domain name for $1 and have it redirected to your website.

  • Backpage dropped credit card as a form of payment, but there are still many options.
    Backpage Credits

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